Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"If Geoffrey will not go to Red Mountain, Then Red Mountain must come to Geoffrey..."

“Chubby Hubby” contest update.

As you know and thanks to you, I was the #1 vote getter for the contest. 
So I advanced to the 2nd round of the competition which is 30 days of Losing weight.

I had hoped it would be an actual competition to see who could lose the most weight or at least the highest percentage of weight.  If it was I knew I could not be beat, by anyone especially for only 30 days.

However, that is not the case.  The MIX 96.9 website & Red Mountain Weight Loss Center (RMWLC) will track our progress for the next 30 days (02/21 – 03/21) As we make healthy changes and begin setting ourselves up for long term success.  Rather than just encouraging us to 30 days of starving ourselves, cutting weight and doing things that are not realistic, healthy or sustainable. (So there went my plan A…)

The website will regularly be updated with pictures, stories and stats etc…  (http://www.mix969.com/pages/chubby-hubby/)

At the end of 30 days, Voting will begin again and everyone will be encouraged to log on to vote for the contestant (hopefully me) they feel made the most changes and would benefit the most from $1,000 gift card to RMWLC to continue getting healthier.

(OK stop here and rest, take a breather, walk around if you need too.  I know your eyes probably hurt.  Good News! We are Half way done with this email.)

Last Thursday the 5 finalist went to the Orientation at RMWLC.  I was not excited to be working with them.  I was dead set against letting them talk me into any “Fad” diets or extreme / short term solutions etc… Trust me I had NO Intention of buying into their crap.  I was there to fulfill a requirement for the competition ONLY.  As far as I was concerned RMWLC was just an annoying speed bump between me and my $1,000 Cash Prize… (I had even mentioned to Tonya we should break the $1,000 gift card to RMWLC, into 10 - $100 cards then we would be done Christmas shopping early this year)

However, it all turned out to be the exact opposite of what I had expected.  The owner talked to us first and I found myself agreeing with everything he was saying as well as addressing my concerns with HCG shots and Fad diets etc…  Before I ever even mention them to anyone.
Then I was matched up with a Nurse who works specifically with patients of my size.  She took her time and together we designed a very personalized and specific plan to follow for the next 30 days.

Thanks to your votes and because of this contest, I get the use of all of their resources FREE for 30 days!  
I promise I am making the most of it, and even though RMWLC is only committed to me for the next 30 days, everything we talked about and planned for was for the next 90 days or longer.  They did not focus only on the time I MAY be working with them.  Everyone at RMWLC really focused on what was in my best interest and it really showed.  They told us to plan on being there from Noon – 1pm, but I didn’t leave until after 3pm.  Because Aime her time with me and answered all my questions and made sure I was leaving with the tools I needed to make the first couple steps.  And even though I have an appointment to sit down with Aime again next Thursday.  She and Kristin have already checked in on me twice!  It’s been a long time since I was that pleasantly surprised and happy to be so wrong something.

I have probably gone on too long (shocking right?)
However, I could honestly go on much, much longer.

Thank You for helping me get to this opportunity, win or lose, I have already gained so much. (Pun Intended)

Follow me on my Blog @ - Http://GDPIII.blogspot.com

GDPIII - 02/17 - 527
(Still Sexy as Hell...)