Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taking a break...

 I realized the other day I hadn't seen or heard from a "Facebook" friend of mine.  He has been one of my "friends" since I first got on Facebook back in 2007.  I went to send him a message and he was no where to be found...
He had deactiviated his page. 
So I texted him. 

That's when he let me know he had been off Facebook since New Years.  One of his resolutions was to waste less time online.  He figured that would be impossible if he didnt take some drastic actions. 
I was shocked at first, then I realized; he was still alive, still happy, still my friend...

He inspired me to look at my own habilts. 

Ever since I shut off our "Cable" (DishNetwork) on 06/26.  I have been spending more time online.

- Long Story, Short.-

I have deactiviated my Facebook page. I want to read, play and sleep more. The three things that I WAS giving the best hours of my day to were;
TV, Internet & Work...

I have removed one, reduced another and now I need to turn my focus to "Work"... I don't know what to do about that one.
I'll still be on my Blog and you can always Text me...
Geoff@cox.net / (480) 329-7065)

Geoffrey -